Unspecified error reading a term. « A term was expected « The term is too big to read in « The term is incomplete « Undefined operator or illegal space before bracket » Syntax Error - unable to parse this character » « End of the file or selection reached unexpectedly Unable to get enough memory to parse this term » « Syntax Error - check operator precedences » Variable Name too long » Atom too long » Unbalanced double quote or string too long » Unbalanced single quote or quoted atom too long. Note: allow for numeric forms like ' (e.g. 8'137) and 0' (e.g. 0',) » Range Error Here » « Syntax Error Here » ). '), This opening double quote is not balanced by a closing double quote. » This opening single quote is not balanced by a closing single quote. Note: allow for numeric forms like ' (e.g. 8'137) and 0' (e.g. 0',) » An attempt was made to read past the end of the file